hello world
“Hello World.”
Not sure really how to start this site.
I’ve got no real structure planned, but want to use it as somewhere to get back into writing a few hundred words when time allows and maybe some of it will be of interest to someone.
As the title suggests, I’m a bit of a techie at heart, but one that’s left corporate tech to farm.
I’m imagining we’ll cover topics such as:
- Living a less materialistic life.
- Homesteading / Self sufficiency.
- Possibly a bit of tech stuff.
- Possibly a bit of financial stuff.
- A bit about some goals for us on the farm.
- Perhaps a weekly update on books I’ve been reading, what I’ve found interesting on the web.
- Might even just be some day to day ramblings.
- A bit of stuff about our kids perhaps.
We’ll have to see how it goes - it might wither and die, it might flourish.