some bits I've been reading

I’m trying to get back into reading. I’ve been off it for a few months.

This is the first in what I hope might become a series…and hold me to account to spend more time reading.

Things I’m reading:


I’ve made a start on so many books. I went from an old ipad mini to reading on my phone which was way too small, so trying to get back into the ipad mini….I still prefer paper I think…but kindle is so convenient.

Made a start on The sovereign individual - written in 1999 by it talks about the amazing changes we’re seeing due to technology, the communities that form online and how governments are going to have to compete for the best talent. It resonates with me, I’m not a fan of big government.

Also on the list:

  • Bitcoin: Everything divided by 21 million
  • Surface Details - Iain M Banks
  • The 7th Property
  • When Money Dies

… must read more …


Open source farm equipment I like the idea. Not sure I have the time or the skills, but the self sufficient principle appeals.

Portugal If I had a digital nomad type of life I’d be there.


Who is Mr Beast? - anyone under a certain age…or with kids has probably hear of him

Preppers - seems a little basic, but good to have some stuff in back up - if Covid disruptions taught up anything, worth having some supplies “just in case” rather than relying on “just in time”.

Bit of a basic one to start with here…will try and log things better for the next post.